Macbook: Login Keychain Password Prompts - How to Deal With Them
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When a user resets their Active Directory password, the next time their computer reboots, they will be prompted to 'create a new keychain' or 'update an existing keychain'. Typically we recommend 'create new keychain'. If the user selects 'Update an Existing Password', the user will receive numerous requests to enter in their password while performing tasks which is usually viewed as unfavorable.
If a user calls in stating they are getting numerous keychain password prompts, follow these steps:
1.) On the users computer, have them click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand side of the screen. This opens up the spotlight search.
2.) In the spotlight search, type keychain access, then hit enter. This will open up a window as well as change the menu in Chrome. The window can be ignored.
3.) Go up to the Apple on the upper left hand side of the screen and click on "Keychain Access' to the right of it.

4.) Select Preferences from the drop down. The below window appears.

5.) Click on "Reset My Default Keychain'.
6.) User must restart computer for changes to take effect.
** The user will now stop getting Keychain Password prompts.