How do I send a fax?

NOTE: Faxes can only be sent/received from authorized shared mailboxes. You will not be able to send from your individual SPPS email address.
From: Reflects the shared fax mailbox. If you do not see the From line you will need to add it. You should be able to select Options than the Show From radio box. More details can be found here:
Make sure the From line says the shared mailbox address or it will fail to send your fax.
To: Must include a 1 plus the 10-digit fax number and for every fax you send (e.g. 16515551212)
CC: Optionally, you can add additional fax numbers for additional fax recipients.
Subject: Any text in the subject field will be added to your cover page in the Re section. See default cover page.
- Anything in the body of the email will be on the comment section of the cover page.
- Attach: You can attach various files in various formats to fax to your recipients.
- Many file formats can be attached and faxed. NOTE: Faxes are sent/received in the order they are attached to the email.
- You can send your fax immediately.
- You can schedule your fax to be sent at a later time.